Monday, September 17, 2007


Mr Simon Downie is in the United Kingdom for a short visit. A mini- London get-together is scheduled on Sunday 30th September 2007.
Mr Downie is currently the Warden of Namasagali University

PS: Well wishes can be posted on this entry!!!

Past Positions Held

Deputy Headmaster Namasagali College 1975 - 2000

Headmaster Namasagali College 2000 - 2002

Administrator of Namasagali University

Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Namasagali University

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Former Students Make A Difference

Grateful for Namasagali

Baker Magunda is the first Ugandan to become the managing director of the East African Breweries Limited.
He told Elizabeth Agiro about the school he went to and how it has impacted upon his life.

What was your reaction to the announcement that you were the first Ugandan boss of the East African Breweries Limited?
People think that I should be proud of that but I am not. For a business which has been here for 61 years to wait for a local appointment in my view is a challenge. Anyway, the fact that a local person was given the opportunity to run the business means that I will have to do a good job to give confidence to the owners of the company. I think it’s the feeling of the challenge and the things that go through your mind is what has held those people back for long. There is a bit of anxiety not because you doubt your ability to do the job.
As managing director, do you drink all your products?
In my position, you don’t have to. According to our company policy, no employee is obliged to consume the company products. The fact that you work with Uganda Breweries does not mean you drink its products. Yes, I do sample many of them, but not all of them. In drinking them, I would like to understand; it’s my final test to consistency. I would also like to go through the experience of the consumer.

Have you ever got drunk?
No. I don’t like being drunk. That’s not why I consume products. We preach responsible use of our brands. You enjoy the brand but you should keep your wits about you. In any case, consumption of alcohol (at work) is a dismissible offence. We have a lot of equipment that can hurt the user or other people if one is drunk. However, on Fridays we have a staff bar where staff play football and then drink alcohol.

What was that event that changed your life?
I went to school in Namasagali College, by far the best school then. There was a policy that the best five students from O’Level and A’Level would get free education. After O’Level I emerged as one of the best students. It was big news then because Namasagali was expensive. The school equipped me with life-long skills, which I think are better than material things. I had no appreciation for people who do charity work. That reshaped my purpose in life. That defined my aspirations after. I do a bit of charity work. I am involved in a couple of projects. The other thing is that I dreamt I would be a teacher because I wanted to give back to the people. A fight erupted between my dad and I. He wanted me to go to Mwiri College for sciences but I wanted arts. I went back to Namasagali and did economics at university which was fashionable. The jobs we do help us pay the bills but if it defines the person that we are, that’s a bonus. From there on, I started paying fees for people who weren’t blood relatives. I am part of a group that raises fees for girl-children for higher education. Another group identifies kids in slums with a passion for football and connects them to donors. Seven players on the national football team (The Cranes) have gone through that programme. One thing I need to add is that the ability for you to define your purpose allows you to stay in control of things. That’s something you can’t take away from someone.

How do you make your wife happy?
I need to ask her. I’ll be over claiming.
Published on: Saturday, 15th September, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Government Universities

Makerere University (MUK)
Mbarara University of Science & Technology (MUST)
Kyambogo University (KU)
Gulu University (GU)
Busitema University (BUSIU)

Religious-Affiliated Universities

Bugema Seventh Day AdventistUniversity
Busoga University
Islamic University In Uganda (IUIU)
Ndejje Christian University (NCU)
Uganda Christian University (UCU)
Uganda Martyrs University (UMU)

Private Secular Universities

Kampala International University (KIU)
Mutesa 1 Royal University (M1RU)
Nkumba University (NU)
Namasagali University