Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Name: Jacqueline Lule
Status: Former Namasagali College Student
: United Kingdom

I just wanted to write to all members, friends and family through you, to express my gratitude, praise, and good will for your achievement in organising such a fantastic event. It was brilliant. I enjoyed ever moment of it, from the conference, the hilly billy party to the black tie evening do with everyone so glammed up.It was nice to see everyone again, and enjoy the commaradrie of those Namasagali days once again, and remember the days of our innocence! It was striking that Namasagali students had no trouble joining in with things, and having a good time in the process. That surely is our trade mark.Well done, maybe in due course we shall revenge in London. Please forward my email to others.

Jacqueline Lule

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would really like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who took the time to be part of the inception of NOSA 2007. It is because of all the time, effort, and enthusiasm you all put forth in attending each event that made the entire weekend a success. Of course none of this would have been possible without the vision and commitment of the NOSA committee. To those members, I would like to give a special shout out; great job, excellent team work, and remember we’ve only just begun. It can only get better from this point on…
Special thanks to Father Grimes,whose presence for me, reinforced my dedicaton to the cause and the legacy of Namasagali.
I hope that former students, friends, and well wishers will continue to exhibit their dedication and support toward future NOSA events.Also, a special note of appreciation to those who have contributed to the blog so far. Thanks again.
Alyce, you are brilliant!